...because he loves to see them break.
Today is another Valentine's Day with no authentic love, with no promises, with little hope...
But, I have a love letter to a friend that I have yet to meet...
Dear friend,
They really want you
But, you want you too.
They love all those things
But, like to see them break?
One day they will ache like you ache
And, we will be old women smiling like Cheshire cats and filled with cake.
You are truly special to me, You. One of few kindred spirits. Someone who I can think of when I need to be brave enough to be me. You are TOO much of an extraordinary thing; a spirit that sings boldly, and with a range that rekindles the darkest and brightest corners of our humanity. We shudder when we remember...When did we forget?
When I am crying on the kitchen floor, I think of you and you lift me up.
Thank you.
And, here's a YouTube clip of Courtney Love singing 'Doll Parts'. You may hate it, friend, but you know me: screw you, if you do. (Also, I seem to be on a YouTube binge these days...c'est la vie.)
p.s. I got a very comprehensive exam from and OB/GYN today who was nothing short of an Adonis with an Australian accent...SERIOUSLY. Happy Valentine's Day!
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