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Member since 09/2005

« This one goes out to all of you with hate-ons... | Main | Bright Spots in Dark Times »


You goddamn fucking right!

Happy holidays, Polly. :)

What mattt said. Bravo!

Hang in there, Polly. Having survived the worst decade of my life - to the point that I forgot how hope felt, I'm gratified that I'm still here.

And hope is like a bicycle - it rolls back into your life, you remember how it all works together, and off you go!

Porte toi bien, chère Polly.

Thanks everyone!

Best wishes to you all for the coming new year.


Thanks for the link re. Gaza, PJ! Much appreciated!

And the very best wishes to you as well for the coming year! Good Health and Serenity!

It was a pleasure to be able to direct people to a good source of information and analysis.

Best wishes to you as well!

A friend of mine just emailed me one of your articles from a while back. you read that one a few more.

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