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Member since 09/2005

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Thanks for this update, Polly. Cutting onself is very clearly OUT this season. But a toe removal? That's timeless.

Foot-binding and girdles seem so medieval; why constrain and reshape body parts when we can just cut pieces away?!

Unlike religion, cultivated consumer demand always empowers women with choice.

Excellent! Thanks for making the point that breast implant surgery is body mutilation, just like the female circumcision procedure. In fact, maybe the surgery has advanced and this is no longer true, but I remember hearing or reading that there is no way to get the nerve endings through when a female has breast implants, meaning that women get larger breasts for somebody else to enjoy because the woman with the implants feels very little when the breasts are touched.

And that head just adds extra pounds. Why carry around all that dead weight when there's not much purpose for a head other than blowjobs? Just get a tongue sewn between your breasts and you're all set!

Hi Liz, I've heard the same thing about implants.

Dew, I hope the word on the blogroll game doesn't become that Marginal Notes discusses tongues between breasts! Y'know high end dolls are all the rage, so people have figured ways to remove the brain altogether!

Yes its true, breast implants do lead to a decreased sensation, and a potential complete loss of sensation.

But what the hell if they can increase you annual income or improve your chances at winning the wet tshirt contest?

Daddy will be so proud.

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